~The insights of crappy Jasmine gal~

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Popular Clearance Sale

Good morning to all... It's 6 am but i had not sleep a wink since the night before and i had worked for 19 hours non stop (not really lah..i got some rest breaks)already... In fact i am now typing with only i hand as i bruised my left hand by accident..

The main reason for all this is due to the Popular Clearance Sale at West Mall. I was helping the roadshow people to place the books on the stands nicely and hit my hand against the stand when i was moving the heavy boxes of books.. sob sob..

Anyway, my main motive for this post is to do advertising for the sale which starts today and ends on the 6th of june.. The books are really good.. and there is so much books that we did not have the time to put ALL on the stands.. So it's very worthwhile to go more than once... Some books are even quite new but were in the sale as their covers were a bit frayed.. In fact, there is a lot of computer books for those who liked such books.. (I hated it as most of the computer books are pretty bulky..)

How this sale works is that the more you buy the more discount you will enjoy. It's so good that people had already been asking about it several days before... So if you are free, do drop by and take a peek.. The sale is held at Bukit Batok West Mall atrium (ground floor) .. You can also find me at the Popular there if you are so free to go up to the fourth floor.. haha.. That's all.. i need to sleep..


  • you got tomorrowed!..

    By Blogger kakashi, at 5:02 PM  

  • Woah... you publicise until later u get an unusually high amt of customers going to just u alone.. :->

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:29 AM  

  • Wow.. really typical of Singaporeans.. mentioned got sale then my post got approved.. haha.. need to thank the editors for the approval.. my bloggie's number is getting low..

    To kakasho
    Thanks for the info.. it was the first thing i saw after waking up earlier on.. very refreshing to my mind..

    To chris
    So rare u come here to crap.. thought you prefer the tagboard? Anyway, the store is not having any discounts, only the atrium got it. Since i am not helping out the sale, dont think anyone will come find me..Cd rama only got the double stamp promotion on Thurs though.. can come and buy $20 worth of cds and i issue you a card to accumulate stamps.. haha

    By Blogger Jaschocolate, at 1:29 AM  

  • Ya.. prefer the tagboard, but then the tagboard have some problems.. unable to tag! tried so many times until gave up.. so comment here instead lor.. haha..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 AM  

  • Chris...
    No comment liao..

    By Blogger Jaschocolate, at 1:10 PM  

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