~The insights of crappy Jasmine gal~

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Shopping

Have been busy these few days, shopping for gifts.. Although i didnt buy a lot but it set me off at least $170.. of cos it also included a necklace i bought for myself.. heehee

Nice mah?

Haha.. the pimple on my right cheek is soooo obvious.. jialat...

Anyway, my dept had a pre-christmas celebration on wednesday... Exchanged gifts with each other and i got a cute mug.. just right for me..

After that, my HR manager treated 4 of us to dinner at Lemongrass Thai restaurant in Heeren (some colleagues cannot make it so they lose out loh.. heehee).. The food is quite nice and i saw a CUTIE waiter!!! But too bad he is too young for me.. hahaha..

I bought something at Moshi Moshi.. so exp that i want to cry.. and the thing is it is not for me and the person i am giving it to dont seem to like the brand.. U may ask why i still buy it for her leh.. I also dont know leh.. heehee...

I was so tired last night that i didnt eat dinner, only have 2 slices of papaya.. Now i am really papaya liao cos my stomach is growling.. Waiting for lunch.. 1hr and 45 mins more!!!


  • jasmine,

    ya, the pimple on my right cheek is soooo obvious....btw, did you put on weight??

    By Blogger chartao, at 10:21 AM  

  • Leonard: BASKET!! say i put on weight.. u want me to hantam u ah.. NTU not very far one hor, i can go over and kick u.. hmphz..

    By Blogger Jaschocolate, at 10:37 AM  

  • left side what. in the pic its on the left. dun bluff

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:51 AM  

  • This is very interesting site... ยป

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  

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