My sexy voice??
I had received many comments from colleagues, suppliers, candidates that my voice sounded good.. All i can go is "huh"...
Maybe they caught me at a good day, or a day when i was trying to act pro.. that's why the voice sounded different from usual.. Usual voice is the "fuck ah", "KNN", "KNS", etc etc.. No one will feel it is sexy one.. hahaha...
Anyway, got one male colleague who seemed interested in me.. I hope i am just thinking too much... Cos he is too old for me loh.. unless he thought i am very old... that doesnt sound good.. ""-_-
Maybe they caught me at a good day, or a day when i was trying to act pro.. that's why the voice sounded different from usual.. Usual voice is the "fuck ah", "KNN", "KNS", etc etc.. No one will feel it is sexy one.. hahaha...
Anyway, got one male colleague who seemed interested in me.. I hope i am just thinking too much... Cos he is too old for me loh.. unless he thought i am very old... that doesnt sound good.. ""-_-
how old is the guy?
THE SLY ONE, at 11:29 AM
Uh-oh.... I smell an audio blog in the pipeline...
Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
Voice blog!!! Yeah...
Sweet lah...
Paperman, at 4:28 PM
the sly one: Around 41 this year.. cos i kaypo, go and check..
j daddy: U are so smart.. no wonder is my dad.. but actually i recorded it 1 mth ago lah.. Forget to post...
uncle vandice: haha... sweet mah? when are you putting a voice blog again...
Jaschocolate, at 11:46 PM
fwah, older then me... does he look 41?
THE SLY ONE, at 12:32 AM
the sly one: Actually i cant remember his face. Saw him only once..
Jaschocolate, at 7:18 AM
IMO, when i hear your voice blog last time round, your voice do sound sexy.......hehe...
chartao, at 9:04 AM
pmg: I dont think so.. u richer lah.. hahha..
leonard: hahaha.. thank you. :p
Jaschocolate, at 7:54 PM
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