I am such a devil...
Today, i saw 3 of my colleagues missed the company bus. They did what i did last week, waiting at the bus-stop. I was expecting them to call the driver like what i did, but apparently they didnt note down the driver's mobile number. So they shared a cab down to the company, arriving before all of us. Served them right since they can be quite demanding at work and didnt help my dept sometimes.
Up till now, the stunned look on their faces when the bus drove by still remained on my mind. I actually enjoyed the "entertainment". Yes, i am such a devil for not helping them, but what can i do since i dont have their numbers as well. How do i inform them if i stopped the bus for them. I guess it will help them to learn a lesson well, like what I did. No excuses for my behavior, for laughing at others but then life is just that, right? Make a mistake, laugh and get over it. No point dwelling over unwanted stuff. But till now, i cant seem to kick this habit. :p
Up till now, the stunned look on their faces when the bus drove by still remained on my mind. I actually enjoyed the "entertainment". Yes, i am such a devil for not helping them, but what can i do since i dont have their numbers as well. How do i inform them if i stopped the bus for them. I guess it will help them to learn a lesson well, like what I did. No excuses for my behavior, for laughing at others but then life is just that, right? Make a mistake, laugh and get over it. No point dwelling over unwanted stuff. But till now, i cant seem to kick this habit. :p
We are from the evil family
gracey, at 11:27 AM
nice! I'd do more. perhaps imitate how they looked when the bus came and went...hahaha
Ang Ku Kueh, at 12:58 PM
wahahah.. so evil!
Anonymous, at 12:59 PM
I bet your colleagues' expressions were the same as my colleagues' when they failed to catch the lift that I'm in. Heh.
Sibeh Sian, at 3:28 PM
i wouldn't enjoy that, i would have alerted the driver
Anonymous, at 7:26 PM
i would rather see their surprised happy maybe grateful faces than the stunned one
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM
tsk tsk tsk qa is right!
do more good deeds and you have less bad falls :P
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM
Gracey sis: Heehee.. must be daddy's genes :p
AKK: You very bad leh.. Cannot be so extreme lah..
ollie: Hahaha.. just like u.
sibeh sian: I bet it is so.. haha.. U also very evil.
qa: Well, as i have mentioned, i cant contact them even if i can stop the bus for them as the bus will stop at the NEXT bus-stop.. So u mean i have to walk back one bus-stop and then inform them? And in fact, one of them were already warned not to wait at bus stop but they never listen loh.. What to do?
slurp!: I do good deeds like giving up my seat to needy.. I must at least do deeds that are within my control loh..
Jaschocolate, at 8:12 PM
Evil meh? If you didn't make monkey faces at them when the bus passed them is considered good already. :)
Unknown, at 7:07 AM
lancerlord: Yeah loh yeah loh.. I am such a good gal.. :p
Jaschocolate, at 9:16 AM
Kwai lah kwai lah. Lai uncle sayang you. kekeke..
Unknown, at 2:46 PM
lancerlord: dot dot dot.. that just made feel think of dirty thoughts.. hahaha
Jaschocolate, at 6:49 AM
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