I do not want to grow old...
On my way to work today, i saw 3 elder women on the train. Unfortunately, only 1 of them got a seat from a kind-hearted middle-aged man (who was also unfortunately suffering from a loss of hair). No one else even bothered to give up their seats to the two other two ladies. In the end, the one who sat down asked one of the ladies to sit down as she was going to alight soon..
Looking at this, i really hope i will be dead by 40 - 45 years old... when i am still able to walk, still have the strength to hold myself up with my hands.. Cos I am definitely not going to get it from other ppl.
Sure, there ARE good-hearted ppl.. But most just put it inside their hearts and dont practice it.. or there are even some that thought they are very kind-hearted already as they ALWAYS call the charity hotline.. Face it.. you called because you wanted to get that BIG prize or because you wanted to support your idols.. Come to think about it, i also dont practice cos i am too scared to do.. too scared to act differently.. So in the end, i became like the rest, acting indifference to all the needy in front of me..
Btw, i am feeling better liao.. Especially feeling more energized today and can talk more. Did the haze cleared up already? The haze made me feel like being in Genting, except it is not cold here. Stupid fires in Indonesia, every year also comes and disturb us..
One of my colleagues is so funny.. He did not know where the smoke was from and did not know Malaysia is also affected.. I teased him on not watching news or reading newspapers.. I heard that in the past, he did not know what Great wall of China was called leh... So cute hor :p But he looked younger than me when he is much much older.. NOT SO CUTE LIAO :I
p.S. I just realised i misunderstood the colleague that i mentioned in previous entry.. He didnt steal my customers at all, just that those customers never even mentioned my name leh... Haiz, in the future, i should not leave any name over the phone liao.. they want to come down then come loh, anyone free then serve loh...
Looking at this, i really hope i will be dead by 40 - 45 years old... when i am still able to walk, still have the strength to hold myself up with my hands.. Cos I am definitely not going to get it from other ppl.
Sure, there ARE good-hearted ppl.. But most just put it inside their hearts and dont practice it.. or there are even some that thought they are very kind-hearted already as they ALWAYS call the charity hotline.. Face it.. you called because you wanted to get that BIG prize or because you wanted to support your idols.. Come to think about it, i also dont practice cos i am too scared to do.. too scared to act differently.. So in the end, i became like the rest, acting indifference to all the needy in front of me..
Btw, i am feeling better liao.. Especially feeling more energized today and can talk more. Did the haze cleared up already? The haze made me feel like being in Genting, except it is not cold here. Stupid fires in Indonesia, every year also comes and disturb us..
One of my colleagues is so funny.. He did not know where the smoke was from and did not know Malaysia is also affected.. I teased him on not watching news or reading newspapers.. I heard that in the past, he did not know what Great wall of China was called leh... So cute hor :p But he looked younger than me when he is much much older.. NOT SO CUTE LIAO :I
p.S. I just realised i misunderstood the colleague that i mentioned in previous entry.. He didnt steal my customers at all, just that those customers never even mentioned my name leh... Haiz, in the future, i should not leave any name over the phone liao.. they want to come down then come loh, anyone free then serve loh...
its the GreaT Wall of China leh, not Grand wall! =D
Anonymous, at 10:56 PM
cheer up manz, everyone would have to grow old, just wish that the problems dun come when aged!!!
need to exercise and eat healthy, i'm telling msyelf too!
recently all posts is texts hor...
chartao, at 11:54 PM
JAS!! me, kit yee!!
lol.. i share e same thinkin of getting old, isn't it damn damn pathetic tt one dae we r like those old folks?? sobs.. but somehow we mus face e reality tt we r fated to live up to a certain age.. no matter healthy or nt!!
leonard say it rite, nid to excerise n i'm also tellin myself too but pathetically enuff, i din!! jeez..!
com'on, i tink u shld leave ur name wif e cust n i'm sure 1 dae tere's one cust will definitely remb u n wants u to serve!! afterall one ur remb-u-cust counts thousands of those who dun remb n make ur dae.
cheer up.=P..
hope 2 mit u soon.
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM
weige: okie okie, amended liao... Honest mistake lah ;p
leonard: Haiz.. lazy to post pics :p
kit: Thanks dear for the encouragement. Hope to see you soon too :)
Jaschocolate, at 3:21 AM
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