Pain pain pain.. Got this "present" the day I came back from Hong Kong due to carrying a 20.8kg luggage down a flight of stairs.. This proves one thing, "Do not shop so much that you cant carry your luggage".. Envy my friend, who got her boyfriend to help her carry stuff.. Sighz... I need someone to accompany me..
wah.. blue black until like that... go rub it and be careful...
By Anonymous, at 9:52 PM
By Anonymous, at 10:12 PM
get a male slave instead la, no commitments!!
By Anonymous, at 9:09 PM
Rest well. Next time ask DHL or FedEx for help :)
By Unknown, at 10:36 PM
chris: After a week or so,it disappear liao..
jay daddy: it's "ouch ouch".. :p
weige: male slave still need to feed him.. bf will feed me instead.. :p
lancerlord: U paying for me?? *blink blink*
By Jaschocolate, at 10:07 PM
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