CONGRATS to my laopa and laoma
Flying off again... this time to Hainan Island for tourleading.. Actually I am quite reluctant to take this tour, cos it is travelling by Tiger Airways and I also happened to miss my laopa and laoma's church wedding ceremony on Saturday... Soooooooooooo sad... I feel like crying... I am so blur..
Anyway, CONGRATS to my laopa and laoma, Jason and Anne.. Must get someone to take lots of pics for me to see, okie?
Anyway, CONGRATS to my laopa and laoma, Jason and Anne.. Must get someone to take lots of pics for me to see, okie?
hav fun and enjoy ur tour !
Starvian, at 3:30 PM
starvian: Thanks.. I'm back liao.. enjoyed the trip very much...
Jaschocolate, at 10:04 PM
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