Beware!! Long post ahead!!Finally got the group pics from the Intern Farewell Party..

Group pic 1

Action action

Funny faces


We have another farewell dinner at Holland Village for the interns last week (The two interns damn good hor, got 3 farewell for them already). We chose to eat at
Essential Brew.

Level 2 Decor

Level 2 seats

Level 2 seats

We got down to ordering the food but we took a while cos there are ppl who are playing hide-and-seek....

And ppl who went crazy just thinking of what to order

Ppl who think for a long time..

And last of all, ppl who played with their handphones.. heehee

Actually we took just 15min plus to order lah...

Dont take my pics lah...
It was not long before the level 2 was fully occupied... But there was only 2 ppl serving all the tables upstairs.. I think the place is seriously shorthanded loh...


Anna falling asleep from waiting for the food

Played with hp again..
Finally the snacks are here...

Nuggets, Smiley fries, and calamari rings

I love the smiley sooooo much that Mei Ping bought me a bag of it..

My very own Smileys.. How come i never see it at NTUC? I must be blind...

The artwork of Jo...

Chalotte's Zoc (which tasted like lemon tea) and Tien Fun's drink (cant remember what it is)

My lingerin Angel.. Tasted nice..
Long after we finished our snacks, the main courses finally came..

Cajun Chicken

Honey Mustard Chicken ( i seriously think the only difference between this and Cajun Chicken is the sauce.. :p )

Seafood Galore shared by Chalotte, Anna and Mei Ping (I stole some to eat too)

My Cilantro Fillet, that i feel do not taste very nice..

Jasmine Cod Fillet ordered by Jo.

Crispy Lemongrass Chicken, ordered by Joey.

Cookie Mookie
After eating, we sat there and chat and TAKE PHOTOS...


Staring and laughing...

Group pic1

Group pic2

Group pic3

Chalotte and me

Mei ping and Anna

I like this angle.. Looked like Anna is kissing a glass that is bigger than her face... But it was just due to the angle and distance..

Okie, a more decent pic of Anna

Chalotte playing with hp

Very concentrated...


Me :p

Me with Joanna

Same motion though one is staring into space while another is making a call...

What pic is Tien Fun laughing at?

Mei Ping, the gal who dont like ppl to to take her pics.. Unfortunately, I took it.. And not just one..

Smiling like a lady..

Tired eyes...

Staring into space..

Happy Anna..

Laugh and laugh...

Chalotte laughing like mad...

What are they looking at? This pic looks like the cover of a chinese novel..


Tired Chalotte..


Blank look

What's going on?

Blur Blur..



Finally it is time to pay and leave..

Anna ah ma counting the cash...
We actually wanted to order this....

Rainbow Indulgence... But hor, we are saving our stomachs for ice-cream instead..

The place was visited by many stars wor...
We went to
Haagen Daz for ice-creams.. We ordered 2 fondue sets.. And waited almost 30mins for them... This made our moods turned from joyous to angry..

Waiting happily

Wait and wait

Still waiting

Looking at pics taken

Taking pics

Why so long???


Our two ex-Interns
Finally, the fondue came but there was only 1 set.. My side (5 ppl) started eating first..




The ice-cream..
After 40mins, where we had almost finished our fondue, the second set still had not been delivered to us.. We stopped a staff who was the supervisor (or something) and was told that the kitchen made a mistake and is now preparing the second set for us..
We were very unhappy because they should have taken the intiative to tell us first.. We requested to see the manager and the supervisor went to the counter before coming back to say that the manager is busy at the moment and he hoped he can do whatever he can to appease us..
In the end, we got 2 scoops of free ice-cream of the newest flavours, Summer Berries and Cream and Melon Ice Cream.. Plus the second set of fondue, which came 10misn later, had more scoops of ice-cream.. Can you believe that the second fondue was finished by only 3 ppl.. Anna, Chalotte and Jo.. Incredible..
In the end, i was still unhappy and was going to write on the comment card.. But then i decided to write an email instead to be more detailed.. I couldnt find the supervisor, who seemed to be "assisting" in the kitchen after he had dealt with us, so i got his name from another staff. I also walked up to the cashier and got the manager's name, Christopher..
This got his full attention and he came out to serve us with another 2 scoops of Summer Berries and Cream Ice Cream (Actually we are sibeh full by then.. ). He explained that they had just fired off the old staff, thus the staff serving were all new.. In fact, he had only came to this HV outlet for just 3 days.. He also said that they were short of staff that day, with just 7 ppl to handle the whole peak hour. There is only 1 staff in the kitchen that is handling all these orders..
Frankly, i was not convinced by the excuses he had said and was still going to write that email.. But in the end, he charged us only the price of 1 fondue set.. Making me deciding not to write liao cos will be very paiseh and cruel leh.. The manager hoped that we will visit again to determine whether the service had improved... Anyone going there to eat recently? Let me know how it is hor..

Poor Kris had to swallow the free ice cream.. cos none of the gals want to eat liao..