~The insights of crappy Jasmine gal~

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Old school times

Feeling old school lately.. Bought those tidbits eaten during primary school days..


Hiro Choc Cake

Sighz.. the smell of youth is fading away... I'm feeling so old now..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More food pics..

More food pics to tempt you.. Cos i am trying trying trying to study for exam.. lol..

New York Fish and chips from Fish and Co.. I love the fish..

Seafood platter (i think) from Fish and Co... Whole lot of superb stuff..

Hot fudge cake and ice cream from Fish and Co.. Not nice.. fudge cake is too dry..

Hot chocolate drink with marshmallows from Bakerzin

Chocolate cake given by my colleague :)

Ajisen Ramen set meal treated by Karen ah gal.. Thanks dear.. :)

The side dishes we chose.. the fried tofu sucks.. i still like the ones at Sakae sushi

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Do u know what is ABNN?

I was reading a blog the other day and the author used GG and ABNN in one of the posts.. She didnt mention what they stand for so i went and google them.. Found GG in urban dictionary though i dont really get the actual meaning still..

However, ABNN remains a mystery.. Somehow i know i know it.. But but but... the meaning refuses to come out in my head... so i spend half a day surfing net and thinking about it before i gave up and went out with my mom to go IMM.

At the bus-stop, i suddenly saw ABNN and the meaning pop into my head.. Hahaha.. i was grinning non-stop like the cat that ate the cream by then...

So do you know the meaning too??

p.S. gotta disable comments for this just in case. Feel free to email me at jaschocolate@gmail.com if you still dont know. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Funny Home Song by Mr Brown

Hahaha.. got a good laugh when i listen to the new lyrics by mr brown and friends..

Link: http://sgblogs.com/blog/mrbrown-infantile-terrible-singapore/551

Wounded me..

Cant deny that a man is necessary in the house at times.. Was helping my mom carry a bookshelf out to the corrider last week and cut my hand and foot as i moved it down the few stairs... Damn.. if only my brother was not out on reservist.. sighz..

He's back now and i will refuse to carry things now.. lol..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pimple outbreak

I hate hate hate being stressed.... whole body becomes so weird... heaty plus pimples on face... Sobz.. dont feel like going out at all.. Sighz..

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Midnight KTV

Worked till 11pm on Friday.. Work just seemed never ending.. but i hope to clear whatever Traffic admin stuff i got before the new person come and i can hand over prettily.. :)

Joined the barflies in KTV after that.. Went to the Topone KTV in bugis.. Think i am still more used to KBox system.. hahaha.. AND I HATE THE SMOKE EFFECT IN TOPONE.. Sibeh smelly loh..

Ended up sang till 5am plus.. wow, extreme limit.. Only 4 ppl left by then.. Me, Aloeve, JF, Nick... Went for some breakfast before we went home.. I fell asleep on the train once i sat down.. lol..

Ok, i better start studying.. shit.. :P