~The insights of crappy Jasmine gal~

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A quiet Thursday for the Nation

Via Jaywalk Daddy

Please help to keep Reuben's music alive

To all bloggers out there, please embed this song to your blog at least till Thurs but best forever to let all as much people as possible to listen to his song - Back Home.

url: http://www.ridzuan.info/tianhong/BackHomePianoSolo-ReubenKee.mp3


After really reading about who Reuben Kee is, I realised that I actually heard his songs before during a NYP event. Even though I did not know him, I was very touched by his music and have great admiration for his talent. It was really sad to know that HE was the one that passed by my life (no matter how slight) back then..

I was thinking "If only they had not row back themselves", "If only they had let the local people steer them to a safe place" and "If only all of them have their life jackets on" non-stop... But it is too late to think of all that now. Now, everyone just need to learn to move on... Because that's what they will want us to do.. Remember them in our heart and help them live the best of our lives...

Let us spend this Thursday quietly in mourning for the 5 of them.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's that time of the year again


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kawaii ne

Saw this contribution by someone on (fluff)Gallery in Facebook....

Super cute wor..

Havent have time to watch Naruto... Sad sad...

My own piggy...

Got this link from Aloeve.

My very own piggy... heheehee.. I dont think very accurate but it was fun... :)

About your pig and you...

Your choice of background shows that you are sensitive, romantic and honest but can sometimes have a pessimistic outlook.

The direction your pig is facing indicates you being traditional and friendly, you have a great memory for birthdays and important dates.

The amount of detail in your pig means you are analytical, cautious and sometimes suspicious.

Because your pig has four legs, some may say you are stuck in your ways but actually this reflects your strong beliefs and your stubbornness in defending them.

The larger the pig's ears, the better listener you are.

The longer your pig's tail, the better your sex life – need we say more!

Monday, November 26, 2007

A stupid decision

One stupid decision cost 5 human lives... This reminds us once again of the saying, "Kiang jiu hor, mai gei kiang".. Feeling so sad for the stupid accident..

Friday, November 23, 2007


Seeing this reminds me of the local movie, 881... Going crazy with this game..

Okie, back to it now.. :p

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What a waste of money...

My mom pointed out something to me today about how wasteful the govt is... Our area is undergoing the renovation to build lifts that stopped on all the levels.. This is supposedly to make all the housing flats handicap-friendly... But my mom noticed that instead of building slopes that lead up to the lifts, the workers built steep staircases. So much for being handicap-friendly... This means the handicapped people actually need to go one big round to find a slope to go up before they can reach the lift.

She concluded that in the future, the govt will then once again do renovation works to change the stairs to slopes... Wasting time and money when they should have do it in the initial stage. Let's not forget about the bus shelters that do not seem to be able to give us much protection from the heavy rain, even though it looked modernly nice... Now i know where all the tax money went to....

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Congrats to uncle meepok for becoming a daddy to a adorable baby gal recently.. Having a baby is a scary thought for me... Anyway, let me share a joke from a chinese book, 爆笑料...



医院产房外的休息室里, 一群男子正在等着当新爸爸.

一位护士从产房匆匆走出, 对其中一人说道: "祝贺你, 你太太生了一个女孩! "

另外一个男子把烟蒂扔在地上, 跳起来喊道: "岂有此理, 我比他先到的, 为什么还没轮到我?"


Tuesday, November 06, 2007





No wonder getting fatter... Duh~~~